Direct Debits and CWC Services

Written by Administrator on .

Updated July 2024

We have been contacted a number of times by distressed members of the public who have had direct debits set up on their bank for between £50 and £100 per month, without any idea what the payments are for. If you or a family member has found a regular monthly Direct Debit payment in the name of CWC Services on your bank statement, we would like to assure you that this has nothing to do with our company despite the apparently similar business name.

We have recently been contacted by the Clear Water Co company, based in Ipswich, UK who specialise in drainage, plumbing and sewerage services. Having spoken with their staff, despite our earlier impression, they are a genuine business and in all likelihood direct debits have been set up legitimately by them as part of one of their home care packages.

Direct debits set up by Clear Water Co currently appear in the name of CWC Services Ltd or CWC Services Limited. They have informed us that they are in the process of instructing their bank to update direct debits to reflect the business name - to Clear Water Co - in order to avoid confusion in future.

What you should do

  1. Contact Clear Water Co in the first instance. They should have an account on record and will help you, including cancelling direct debits if their services are no longer required. Click here for their contact page for email, phone and address details.
  2. Additionally you are within your rights to contact your bank and cancel your direct debit, but we advise contacting Clear Water Co beforehand.

About our company

CWC Services (not Limited) are a trading name of QGS Holdings Ltd. (view on Companies House). We produce documentation systems - digital and paper based logbooks, evacuation and triage cards, for use by the NHS, First Responders and Emergency Managers amongst others. We rarely sell our products directly to the public and have never set up any direct debits to take payment for our products or services.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you would like further help or support.